
Workplace Strategies and Facilities Management : Building in Value ISBN 0750651504 инфо 2941m.

Workplace Strategies and Facilities Management : Building in Value ISBN 0750651504 инфо 2941m.

This book provides comprehensive coverage of issues that facility managers in the property industry need to understand and apply in the pursuit of value for money over the life span of built facilities The aахмрфuthors introduce the fast-growing discipline of facility management, examine the core competencies that facility managers should possess and study different contemporary drivers of change The book emphasises the need to consider facilities management issues at the prбехушe-design stage ofthe construction process, rather than only when the building is completed, in order to maximise value for money * Offers a practical approach to cost-effectiveness * Provides a set of widely applicable decision making tools * Introduces a client perspective to practitioners and students.