
Value Added Reporting and Research : State of the Art Издательство: Quorum Books, 1999 г Твердый переплет, 200 стр ISBN 1567203019 инфо 3138m.

Value Added Reporting and Research : State of the Art Издательство: Quorum Books, 1999 г Твердый переплет, 200 стр ISBN 1567203019 инфо 3138m.

It is clear that value added methods provide relevant, useful information for financial analysis, market valuation, and financial decision making in corporate settings Value added methods can be used in ratioахмтд analysis, in the determination of earnings as an earnings management tools, and can be substituted for earnings in equity valuation When included in a wealth measurement it can vastly improve the quality of decision making Riahi-Belkaoui covers these topics and moreбеххе His book is a probing, essential examination of what the latest value added methods are and what they can do, not only for accounting professionals but for academics and top corporate management as well Автор Ahmed Riahi-Belkaoui.